
A program to update foreign vocab lists hosted on google sheets with definitions & example sentences

Click to see the repo.


A web app that takes in a text in another language, allowing the user to click words they don't know. Outputs a list of words to study later!

Click to start reading.


A CSS framework built using Sass. Syndrome is a toolkit featuring all of my favorite CSS styles in one place.

Click to check out the toolkit.


A team project built for cross-platform playlist creation + more. FlexDJ merges Spotify, Youtube, and Deezer all in one place!

Click to start making playlists.

All Eyes on Us

A choose your own adventure web game for the Center for Court Innovation, a NYC-based non-profit, written in Twine. Built by hackNY fellows!

Click to start your adventure.

Mark Katz

A professional website for UNC Music Professor Mark Katz built using Wordpress.

Click to see the database I helped fill.


A web app that creates a daily schedule based on inputed tasks and their estimated time for completion + any blocks of free time I designate.

Click to start planning!


A Gatsby site built from scratch to establish a central documentation hub for TAs of COMP110, the biggest CS course at UNC Chapel Hill.

Click to see our written guides!

Eisenhower Matrix

A scheduling app using Google Cal API, Java Servlets, JS + Bootstrap! Built during Google Software Product Sprint.

Click to see our code!

CSSG Education Team

A course on React + Firebase I developed & taught during the Spring of 2021 as the UNC CS + Social Good Education Lead.

Click to start learning!