
How to Edit this Site

January 21, 2021

Setting up the Repo Locally

Clone the repository ( to VSCode.

  • Any errors? Try this:

    If you can't open this link, you have not been added to the team org on Github. Send your github username to Kaki!

  • Run these 3 commands separately to enter the team site directory, install the site's packages and to see your live changes at localhost:8000 (Note: Make sure that you have installed node.js):

    cd > npm install > npm run start

  • Make your changes! Within the src folder there exist 4 important folders:


components - this folder contains React/Gatsby components that will be shared across multiple pages or the entire site. A great example is footer.js; each page on the site shares the same footer! The most important file here is layout.js. It is wrapped around every page and imports in a Header and Footer component. If you make a new component, be sure to import and export it into index.js. This will be helpful later.

pages - this folder contains two types of pages. The first are the markdown pages stored in pages/markdown/. This is where you'll add new guides or proposals. Make sure to add a slug, title, date, and author at the top of your markdown files. Feel free to make new folders in pages/markdown, everything will be rendered recursively. If you want to change the location of the markdown, be sure to update the path in gatsby-config.js in the gatsby-source-filesystem plugin. The second type of page here are those that contain components in React/Gatsby. An example would be guides.js which renders the preview of every markdown file as a div with a title. This is where you'd go to make new pages that aren't based in markdown. The name of the component will be the page on the website. For example about.js exports the About component and is found at the /about path of the website.

styles - this folder contains all the CSS/SASS the site uses. As a matter of good practice, create a new file for each page you create beginning with an _ and ending in .scss (for example: _gallery.scss). Then, import this new file into styles.scss using an @ symbol (for example: import @gallery). SASS is super cool because you can use global variables and use math to expand the capabilities of CSS. Please try to define a new color variable in styles.scss and reference it using a $ symbol in subsequent scss files. Try to avoid inline styling when possible so that we know the best place to easily change the look of the site. A couple colors to be aware of are: $base-color, $highlight, $purple.

templates - this folder contains templates for specific types of Gatsby queries. Currently, it only has a template for markdown files. If you want to get rid of the date requirement for all .md files, you'd simply remove the line in this markdown.js file referencing It also contains some code to create the table of contents on each markdown page!

Create a branch by writing:

  • git checkout -b <branch-name>

    example: git checkout -b christine-profile

Pushing to Github

Prepare the branch locally by running the following lines of code:

  • cd .. (this moves you back to the team110 directory)
  • git add . (this will prepare all your changes to be uploaded to github)
  • git commit -m "<commit message here>" (a short statement describing what you did)
  • git push origin <branch-name> (this uploads your draft to github)

Go to Pull Requests on the team repo and click the green button to make a Pull Request. On the side where it says Reviewers add someone to review your work (for now choose the documentation lead)!


  • Christine '24 |
  • Chiazo '22