
Using Git and Git Tools

February 25, 2021


Before beginning new work, you should always pull from github to make sure your team110 repo is up to date. This is important for avoiding merge conflicts and other annoying git problems.

  • First, make sure you are on the master branch. Type git branch --show-current in your terminal. If the output is not master then type git checkout master.
  • Once you are on master, you should be able to run git pull to bring your repo up to date.

Beginning New Work

Once you have ensured that you have all recent changes pulled, you can create a new branch.

  • In your terminal type git checkout -b your-branch-name. Make sure to choose a name that matches the work you will be doing.
  • After running this command you will safely be on a new branch and ready to start your work.

Making a Commit

After you have finished your work, or at least finished a completed piece of it, you can make a commit! Remember for larger changes it is common to have made multiple commits even before pushing or creating a PR.

Prepare the branch locally by running the following lines of code:

  • cd .. (this moves you back to the team110 directory)
  • git add . (this will prepare all your changes to be uploaded to github)
  • git commit -m "<commit message here>" (a short statement describing what you did)


To save your changes to the team110 repo on github, prepare for a PR or share your branch with someone you will need to Push. Run the following:

  • git push origin <branch-name> (this uploads your draft to github)

Making a Pull Request (PR)

If you believe your work is finished and ready for deployment follow these steps!

  • Make sure all your commits have been pushed up to the team110 github repo. If they havent then revisit this step.
  • Navigate to the team repo in GitHub and then click on the 'Pull Requests' tab.
  • Click 'New Pull Request', select the name of your branch and then click 'Create Pull Request'.

Once your PR is created make sure to request the appropriate reviewers.

  • For work concerning the team site: request Chiazo as a reviewer
  • For work concerning the course site: request Ezri as a reviewer
  • For work concerning a special project: request your team mates & Kris or Kaki


  • Ezri '22 |
  • Chiazo '22